Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Gili Islands: Part Foh

I almost got taken out multiple times by these things running up and down the board walk! Listen for the bells attached to the horse and run for cover if you hear them.

Signs like these were in front of every other restaurant or bar... better just make sure your ticket is round trip.

Guess I can get around to writing something about the Gilis now... such a great place. Don't even know where to start. Think I'll just try to sum up the highlights: Max and I coming up with the great idea to dive from the second story of our boat before leaving the Padang Bai harbor to head to the Gilis, finally arriving in the Gilis and laughing at and getting a ride by a small coustumed Indo horse which failed to pull the weight of all four of our semi-drunk asses in it's carriage, the stony dreadlocked locals and the great live reggae at the Sama Sama bar, feasting on a huge fish (I think it was some sort of grouper) with the locals that was barbequed whole and still semi raw inside, just cutting off chunks of the red meat, which tasted remarkably like beef, and eating it with your bare hands, partying relentlessly that night at the reggae festival until 4am where I eventually ended up around a camp fire on the beach with people playing guitar and singing The Doors, riding bikes one handed (the other hand was for my beer) around the island to snorkel on the otherside, ridiculous sunsets, crazy island cats, climbing coconut trees for coconuts, Swedish and Norweigen girls everywhere, drunken night bike rides through the palm tree infested center of the island guided by the uncountable number of stars, snorkeling and thinking you've seen every type of fish and then you see a new one, and new one, and a new one....

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